Tap Your Troubles Away With Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
“Nothing comes closer to “magic” than the positive results I have personally witnessed using EFT on thousands of my patients who suffered from physical and emotional pain and illness.
EFT can lead you to incredible breakthroughs on your healing journey and it can help you with your daily life.”
~ Dr Joseph Mercola – Thought Leader & Founder of Mercola.com ~
Has The Global Pandemic Caused You More Fear, Anxiety & Stress?
Even without the global pandemic stressful feelings were rampant & widespread!
Stress has 2 components:
- uncertainty
- lack of control
When you experience uncertainty and lack of control anywhere in your life, be it via :
- relationships
- finances
- your body
- work life
stress is looming!
Uncertainty makes you feel “I don’t know what’s coming next” or “I feel lack of control”.
How Is Stress Impacting Your Life?
Have you piled on the pounds during lockdown and you just don’t know where to start with your “battle with the bulge” – is it stressing you out?
How’s your general health and wellbeing right now?
And your mental health? – You’ve probably already heard the news that mental health issues have been at an all time high during this fearful coronavirus pandemic.
“The World Health Organisation (WHO) has announced that stress is the health epidemic of the 21st century.”
What about your relationship with your partner and relationships with family, friends and work colleagues?
Many couples are feeling the strain due to a partner losing their job, financial worries and family problems – are you?
Some are experiencing conflict in their workplace – should I be turning up to the office for work or do I have the right to stay safe and work from home?
One Look At Pinterest And …
You get the impression that working from home looks like Scandinavian-style desks adorned with vases of beautiful fresh flowers.
With ergonomic chairs adorned with fancy throws and in a quiet, well-lit room.
The reality for some ….
A small, dark, cramped space where you’re climbing over the linen!
Switching your home to becoming your “home office” might be that extra challenge you could do without!
What About Those Self-Sabotaging Beliefs You’re Holding On To?
Like “Why” ….
- am I not good enough?
- do I always put myself down?
- am I always comparing myself to someone else’s perfect life on social media?
- am I always procrastinating & not getting things done?
- do I always sabotage my relationship?
- can’t I break my addiction to unhealthy food or alcohol?
Can you relate to some, or even all of those?
Let me ask you :
Are You Desperate For Change?
But afraid to do something different?
Do you want to keep struggling along by yourself, with those recurring negative thoughts “whirring around” in your head?
Oh, the exhaustion and weariness from it all!
And how’s your confidence, is that at an all-time low?
Would Life Be Better Without Any Feelings Or Emotions?
Well you wouldn’t get so upset each time you hear the depressing news about Coronavirus, or see the latest disasters happening around the world on TV.
Without feelings or emotions, you wouldn’t lose sleep worrying about your family, your finances or your health problems.
Also, after meeting up with a friend, you might not care so much whether you said the right or wrong thing or not.
NOW jolt yourself back to reality ….
Oh yes – We all experience uncomfortable feelings and emotions.
They’re in abundance and they’re not going away any time soon without help.
How Can You Take Back Control Of Your Feelings & Emotions?
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) helps to balance the mind and body and change what we do and how we feel.
EFT interrupts and dissolves any negative thought patterns.
Tackling the most negative issues affecting your life first will give you a head start.
But What Exactly Is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)?
“The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system”
~ Gary Craig ~
Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as EFT and Tapping is a powerful holistic healing technique that reduces stress, anxiety, relieves pain, improves sleep, increases productivity and much more!
The healing concepts that Emotional Freedom Techniques is based upon, have been in practice in Eastern medicine for over 5,000 years.
It’s just like acupuncture, but without the, sometimes painful, needles!
You simply stimulate your meridian points by tapping on them with your fingertips whilst thinking about your own specific challenge – literally tapping into your body’s own energy and healing power.
This sends a calming signal to your brain that it’s rewiring it.
Neuropathways are built.
So that you’ll feel you actually want to do the things that you’ve been putting off.
You’ll start to feel better and your life will improve.
EFT is such a powerful tool for helping you to overcome your issues and create the life you want.
No Surgical Procedures Required!
There are no side effects or surgical procedures, no equipment involved, no needles, pills or chemicals, no long drawn out “tell me your life story”, no painful endless sessions. It’s easily learned and can be self-applied.
“EFT is a simple, powerful process that can profoundly influence gene activity, health and behaviour”
Bruce Lipton – Author of “Biology of Belief”
Try It On Everything
You can use EFT for the list of issues mentioned above – You can try it on just about everything!
Overall you will feel more emotionally balanced, happier, lose weight, have more focus, be more productive and your immune system with function better too – and so much more.
EFT works by “rewiring the brain” – helping bring the mind and body back into balance.
You’ll notice a change in your thinking and actually feel different in your body – health issues clear up, relationships improve, physical pain reduces and other major shifts.
“The results for those who use tapping, believers and sceptics alike, are nothing short of amazing and always seem to bring perspective, clarity and calm to whatever the issue is at hand – physical, emotional or spiritual.”
Kevin Gianni
It will help you to get to the root of the underlying emotional issues and shift those unconscious beliefs and emotions that you may be holding on to.
This, in turn, shifts your nervous system and it has a “knock on effect” to your digestion, your endocrine systems, hormones, energy levels and so much more!
You’ll feel more motivated to address your health issues, to tackle those food cravings, start exercising and lose weight.
Why Do So Many Top Experts Recommend EFT / Tapping?
You may recognise a few of these names: Dr Joseph Mercola, Jack Canfield, Deepak Chopra, Donna Eden, Dr Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Dr Lissa Rankin, Bob Proctor, Kris Carr, Cheryl Richardson, Carol Look, Joe Vitale – They’re just a few of the Top Experts that are raving fans of EFT.
Why? Because it works!
Are You Ready For Change?
So is it time now to make some changes, so that you feel great and able to cope with any challenges life throws at you?
What Next Steps Should You Take?
My recommendations:
Step 1
Take advantage NOW of booking your FREE 15 minute EFT Discovery Session telephone call with me to see if I am the “right fit” to help you.
During the session we can discuss how EFT may help you to tackle any immediate problem you may have and any other pressing aspects of your life.
Click To Book Here!
What have you got to lose?
Step 2
If we are the “right fit” for each other, then we can make a start.
We can then schedule in your 50-minute EFT Consultation.
Are you ready to tackle your deep-seated issues and move on with your life?
Click To Book Here!
Let’s discuss pricing during our 15 minute EFT Discovery Session
Rest assured, the value you’ll receive from your EFT Consultation will far outweigh your investment in yourself.
Not Feeling Quite Ready For An EFT Consultation Yet?
No worries!
You may wish to get to know me better first.
Meantime, it would be good if we could keep in touch.
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