Is It True That Life Coaching Has Magical Powers?
Magical powers?
Ha ha – that captured your attention didn’t it?
It may also be partly true.
Do read on, we’ll discuss more further down the page.
But, meanwhile, on the topic of “life” have you given much thought lately to ….
What’s Happening In YOUR Life Right Now?
Maybe, spend a few moments, ask yourself these questions and whether they relate to some of your current challenges:
- Are you exhausted trying to make your life work?
- Is your life full of “What ifs ….. Maybe’s …. If Only’s ….?”
- Do you feel stuck, not knowing which way to turn?
- Do you find that you set out making your goals, but then you give up and never achieve them?
- What about those dreams you’ve put on hold?
- And are you creating your future, or is it just happening to you?
What Are The Consequences Of Not Making Any Real Change?
STOP and ask yourself what will happen if you decide to just carry on and not make any significant changes?
Here’s some possible consequences – to get your mind ticking over and thinking.
No doubt you’ll have your own personal consequences to add to this list ….
- No change equals missed opportunities.
- Your life may become stagnant, or worsen over time.
- Eventhough life may be easier and more comfortable without change, it’s also distracting you from where you want to be.
- Your progress or growth could be hindered, with detrimental affects long term.
- Without a map or guidelines, you might feel your life is slowly falling apart?
- You won’t do what you know you need to do – when you need to do it.
- You’ll fail to sit down and do the actual work to create what matters most to you.
- Procrastination often leads to regrets later on.
- Without help from a trusted friend, family member or seeking professional guidance from a Coach or Counsellor, you may feel helpless and hopeless and continue struggling along on your own.
It’s good to embrace change.
Change is a natural part of life and can be an opportunity for growth and transformation, giving you a chance to embrace new experiences and be open to learning from setbacks and challenges.
It enables you to cultivate a growth mindset that allows you to see failure as a chance to grow and improve.
Remember: “Doing the same things in the same way will give you the same results”
So – Does Life Coaching Really Have Magical Powers?
Getting back to our earlier question ….
Take a look at what one of my amazing clients, Christina, says.
Life Coaching certainly gave Christina the “transformation” she was desperately seeking.
Here’s “a snippet” from her feedback (see my Success Stories page for her full testimonial) :
So, whilst Life Coaching doesn’t have “magical powers” per se – meaning it doesn’t involve any “supernatural or magical abilities”, Life Coaching can be truly “life transforming”!
Did you know that all of your answers for your future life are within you?
As a trained Life Coach, my skill (or supernatural power!) is to help activate your inner “magical powers” and be there to guide and support you – and hold you accountable – to make the necessary changes to totally transform your life.
Has Your Curiosity Been Piqued?
Would you like to know more about how Life Coaching actually works?
First, Let’s Get Clear About What A Life Coach Isn’t!
A Life Coach isn’t a substitute for a Therapist, Counsellor, Psychoanalyst or Psychotherapist.
It’s important to note that Life Coaches are not licenced therapists or mental health professionals, so they can’t diagnose or treat mental health conditions.
Clients with mental health concerns should seek specialised care from a qualified mental health professional.
Life Coaching isn’t about telling you what to do, or making decisions for you.
Life Coaching also isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach ….
Each individual person has unique needs, goals and challenges and a great Life Coach will tailor their approach to meet the specific needs of each client.
And Life Coaching isn’t about looking back and dwelling on past life experiences.
It’s about looking forwards and creating your perfect future!
A Life Coach Will Identify Exactly What’s Holding You Back
Life Coaching is a collaborative process between Life Coach and client.
Your obstacles are identified.
Often, there’s inner work to do before you’re ready to tackle goals in your health, relationships, career, etc.
And, do be aware – Life Coaching isn’t a quick fix or magic solution.
It requires commitment, effort and active participation from you, the client.
As a Life Coach I can provide guidance and support but, ultimately, it’s up to you to take action and make the necessary changes to achieve your goals.
It’s Time For Clarity – As Your Life Coach I’ll Help You Get Clear
As your Life Coach, I’ll help you get clear on where you are right now with your life.
Also, we’ll identify what limiting beliefs are holding you back from unlocking your extraordinary life.
Then we’ll move on and explore where you want to be and develop strategies to achieve your desired outcomes.
With Life Coaching, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of yourself, your habits and how you view yourself in the world.
Let’s Make Your Goals Happen!
We’ll brainstorm your goals and sort an actionable plan to achieve them.
We’ll discuss all kinds of topics including a healthy holistic lifestyle.
For example, we’ll cover Self Care and the importance of making time for activities that help you recharge and take care of your physical, emotional and mental health. This might include exercise, meditation, spending time in nature, or connection with loved ones.
If you picture a “rounder’s coach” helping you to throw the ball better or swing the bat in the right way ….
Well your Life Coach helps you do more of the things that are important to you and do them better.
We’ll celebrate small successes along the way to maintain your motivation and momentum.
“Almost all of the most successful people in the world have something in common. They had a Life Coach or Mentor to help them along the way.”
~ Jack Canfield ~
Are You Ready For Transformation?
Is it time now to take back control?
And time now to change your patterns, manifest your dreams and transform your life?
If your answer is yes, then it’s time now to take your first step – here’s how:
Step 1
Take advantage NOW of booking your Free 15 Minute Life Coaching Discovery Session with me to see if I am the “right fit” to help you.
Click To Book Your Discovery Session Here!
What have you got to lose?
Step 2
If we are the “right fit” for each other – then we can make a start.
After your Discovery Session, we will schedule in your 50-minute Life Coaching Consultation phone call with me
(Yes, Life Coaching over the ‘phone works really well and there are no visual distractions)
As mentioned earlier, your Life Coaching sessions are tailor-made for you, so let’s discuss the various price options during your Discovery Session.
Rest assured, the value you’ll receive from your Life Coaching will far outweigh your investment in yourself.
I so look forward to hearing from you – and helping you take the first steps towards transforming your life!
Or Maybe You’re Still Feeling A Bit Hesitant?
No worries, I fully understand.
For all sorts of reasons, people can feel nervous about jumping right in and committing themselves to Life Coaching straight away.
Here are a few of the reasons for hesitancy:
a) Fear Of Change
Change can be a bit intimidating.
Some people can be fearful of the changes they’ll need to make in their lives to get to where they want to be.
But, let me reassure you, that’s my role as your coach – I’ll be there to guide and support you all along the way.
b) Competing Priorities
You may be juggling so many other responsibilities and feel like you’re being pulled in every direction.
So how could you possibly find the time to fit in Life Coaching?
Aah, that’s the beauty of Life Coaching – we can work together to identify what your priorities are and develop some strategies for allocating time to your most important tasks.
This will result in you becoming more productive and less overwhelmed.
We can discuss techniques for reducing your stress, building your resilience, along with some coping strategies to tackle the demands of your busy life.
We can also work together to set your boundaries and prioritize your health and wellbeing and self-care.
c) Uncertainty About Life Coaching
You may be feeling a bit sceptical and unsure about what Life Coaching actually entails and how it can be of benefit to you?
If you feel the need for more info and to get some other people’s perspectives, then my suggestion would be to head over to my web Shop and seek out the Life Coaching category.
There you’ll find some fabulous resources – including some highly recommended:
- books
- courses
by some of the most amazing Life Coaching experts from around the world.
Their info’ will help you to get a deeper understanding of what Life Coaching is about and how transformative and life-changing it can be!
Click: Shop – Life Coaching
d) You Don’t Feel You Know Me Well Enough
After all, you may be visiting my website for the very first time.
You may be wondering whether we’ll be compatible working together on your goals.
Building a rapport with your potential Life Coach is essential.
But that’s where your Free 15 Minute Life Coaching Discovery Session. comes into play.
During those 15 minutes, it’s an ideal time to chat and work out if we’re a good fit for each other and you can get to know me better too.
Click To Book Your Discovery Session Here!
e) How Have My Clients Benefited From Their Coaching?
Pop over to my “Happy Clients” page:
Click: Happy Clients
There, you’ll discover some of my clients success stories – where they share how their life coaching sessions have made a difference to their lives.
Before you do that, make sure you sign up for my FREE Ebook & enewsletter below, where I’ll be sharing lots more tips about Life Coaching, health and wellness, a healthy holistic lifestyle and so much more!
That way, we can stay in touch!