Why Should You Choose Good Quality Supplements?

Fast Food And A Sedentary Lifestyle Can Be A Disaster For Your Health!
Your busy schedule may lead you to grab a takeaway for convenience or a “ready meal” from the supermarket.
It’s the quicker option, rather than cooking a meal from scratch with fresh ingredients.
Even if you do sometimes make good food choices, we can be let down by the actual food supply chain itself.
A number of carefully controlled studies have shown startling evidence that by the time the food reaches our tables, serious nutrient content could already be lost – possibly by over 50%!
Will Eating A Well Balanced Diet Give You All The Nutrients You Need?
Not necessarily ….
Because surveys that have taken place over the last 10 years show that we don’t eat anything like the Recommended Daily Amounts (RDA) of vitamins and minerals!
Do You Want To Feel Great All Of The Time?
Well there’s no better time than to start right now and feel great, is there?
Now is the time to start moving toward a healthier diet and lifestyle!
How? – By Choosing Good Quality, Affordable Supplements
Good quality supplements can help promote your optimal health and a strong immune system.
They defend against a growing number of health concerns.
At least some of them do ….
If you shop for your supplements at discount stores or supermarkets, do please be careful.
You may be seriously shortchanging yourself, because those products typically use artificial and synthetic ingredients, which may create a toxic build-up in your body.
Where Can You Find Good Quality Supplements?
To save you the time, effort and confusion of having to scour health stores or online to find good quality, affordable supplements that will help to transform your health.
Supplements that will make a real difference to your everyday health and energy ….
I’ve done my research, attended the “cutting edge” nutritional seminars and personally taken many of these supplements myself to optimise my own health.
Additionally, I have a good relationship with each of these nutritional brands and I can make contact with their qualified nutritionists directly for advice for any particularly complex ailments.
Click Here For: My Recommended Good Quality Affordable Nutritional Supplements
Love your Gut!
Did you know that 70% of the cells that make up your immune system are located in your digestive system?
That’s just one of the many good reasons to take care of your GI tract.
A brilliant place to start when taking supplements is Probiotics – everyone needs them!
How Will Probiotics Help You?
- They may help to free your body from toxins and other waste materials that may have been building up – a bit like a septic tank!
- Relieve your occasional feelings of gas, bloating and indigestion.
- Boost your energy.
- Keep your waistline slim & trim.
- Support your immune system.
- Poor diet can wreak havoc on your digestive system – destroying your healthy bacteria and allowing bad bacteria & candida to flourish.
- Repopulate your gut with healthy bacteria – the right probiotics contain billions of viable cells per capsule & several strains of healthy bacteria.
Click Here For: My Recommended Good Quality Affordable Nutritional Supplements
(At this link – look out for the nutritional company that resonates with you and do a deeper search in their website menu for “Probiotics”)
Minerals & Vitamins
Where have all the minerals gone?
In the UK intensive farming methods have long since removed the majority of soil minerals essential for human health.
Research shows there’s now almost no iron in spinach
Virtually no magnesium or calcium in broccoli.
And even oranges can be low in vitamin C by the time they reach the shops and after being stored.
“Popeye” would have been appalled – he loved his can of spinach, as it gave him a good portion of iron.
That same spinach now contains so little iron, he’d have to consume 100 cans of spinach to make up for the deficiency!
“You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”
~ Dr Linus Pauling – Winner of 2 Nobel Prizes ~
Click Here For: My Recommended Good Quality Affordable Nutritional Supplements
(At this link – look out for the nutritional company that resonates with you and do a deeper search in their website menu for “Minerals & Vitamins”)
Every day each one of our body cells is attacked by an estimated 10,000 free radicals.
Free radicals can cause tissue damage at the cellular level from every day life.
Maybe caused by the air we breathe.
From the food we eat eg: fried and barbequed food, preservatives in food, tobacco smoke & environmental pollutants.
Also chemicals in personal care toiletries and household products.

How Can Antioxidants Help You?
They may help to:
- Boost your immune system – meaning less illness, infections, allergies, asthma, hayfever.
- help the nervous system to protect again mental degeneration & memory loss.
- help concentration, clearer thinking, faster co-ordination, healthy vision.
- increase energy & stamina.
- Improve circulation & strengthen the veins & arteries.
- Far more powerful than the best antioxidant fruits.
- The process of losing weight actually releases more free radicals into your body than usual – so it’s vitally important to make sure you’re getting enough to help with your weight loss.
Click Here For: My Recommended Good Quality Affordable Nutritional Supplements
(At this link – look out for the nutritional company that resonates with you and do a deeper search in their website menu for “Antioxidants”)
Omega 3
Probably the Miracle Food Of The 21st Century!
The “essential fatty acids” in Omega 3 are derived from a combination of the highest quality fish oils.
The highest quality fish oils are tested free from bacteria, heavy metals and PCB’s.
The seas are polluted – so if your Omega 3 supplement is low quality and not screened for heavy metals, it will be doing you more harm than good! So do please choose carefully.
How Can Fish Oils Benefit You?
They may help to:
- (when combined with exercise) act as an aid to weight loss (see * below).
- increase energy, stamina & a feeling of vitality.
- decrease inflammation.
- regulate blood pressure.
- regulate metabolism.
- Essential Fatty Acids are recognised as critical to the health of every organ, especially the brain.
- They’re popular in the media right now for helping to increase kids IQ.
* Omega 3 Fats – Amazing Fat Burning Ability
An Australian study has determined that daily doses of fish oil containing omega 3 fats can, when combined with exercise, act as an aid to weight loss.
The study examined 68 overweight and obese people over a period of 3 months.
They were divided into 4 groups:
- group that took fish oil but did no exercise.
- group that exercised (45 min walks or running 3 days a week) but took no fish oil.
- group given both.
- group given neither.
Those who both took fish oil and exercised lost an average of 4.5 lbs over the course of the study, eventhough they were given no dietary restrictions.
None of the other groups lost any weight at all.
The combination worked because the omega 3’s increased fat-burning ability by improving the flow of blood to muscles during exercise. Resource: (Dr Joseph Mercola’s website)
Click Here For: My Recommended Good Quality Affordable Nutritional Supplements
(At this link – look out for the nutritional company that resonates with you and do a deeper search in their website menu for “Omega 3 Fish Oils” – you will find Vegan versions available too)
Have You Enjoyed What You’ve Read So Far?
Did you find the above info’ helpful – are you feeling more enlightened now?
Did you click my links above and find a nutritional company that resonates with you?
Would you feel confident enough to order directly from them, or are you in need of a little more personal advice from me?
If yes, then do contact me directly at my “Contact Annie” page and I’ll get back to you just as soon as I – I’m always happy to help.
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The contents of this website are not to be considered as medical advice. Always consult a Doctor before beginning or changing any exercise, fitness or nutritional programme.